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Most Psychic Readers and Mediums use Tarot cards and Oracle cards, sometimes even Playing cards in their readings as a tool or something to focus upon, which allows them to ‘switch on’ their psychic abilities.
There are many different types of Tarot and Oracle cards, their images are spontaneous pictures sprung from the human subconscious and imagination, which describe in lyrical language essential human experiences and human patterns of development. Psychology uses the term ‘archetypal’ to describe these patterns. Archetypal means a pattern which is universal and existent in all people in all cultures at all periods in history.
Each Reader has a personal way of laying the cards and uses different spreads for different types of questions. Each card has a traditional meaning which can be found in books, but experienced Psychics have a relationship with the cards which goes beyond its meaning. Certain aspects of the card will stand out more in any particular context, giving it a different meaning according to its place in the layout and circumstances of the enquirer.
Some cards are traditionally seen as “bad” such as the Death card, in reality this card can mean some necessary (sometime painful) changes occurring in your life, which may later turn out to have been a blessing, so it should not be feared. The same with the Devil card, its presence in the reading can signify the need to free yourself of something that has been slowing down your progress or hindered you creativity.
Tarot cards readings when combined with the abilities of the Psychic Reader can be a wonderful tool for introspection and self analysis. It can give you a glimpse into what it is that is causing problems at the moment, how to go forward in your life and some interesting predictions about your future.
Future predictions generally cover from three months to a year.